"Collectively we have robbed students of their senior year."
  Mission Statement | Goals | Staff | Services | College Admission Values | Advisory Board | Contact Information

  Mission Statement
The Education Conservancy helps students, colleges and high schools overcome commercial interference in college admissions. By affirming educational values, EC works to reestablish educational authority, equity and access as college admission precepts. It unites educational principles with admission practices. It returns control of college admissions to those who are directly involved in education: students, colleges, parents and high schools. It calms the frenzy and hype that plague contemporary college admissions.
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  • To increase the awareness and understanding of commercial influences in college admissions.
  • To provide a platform for educational values to assert their proper role in college admissions.
  • To promote educationally appropriate admission practices.
  • To make college admissions a sensible and productive set of processes for all.
  • To foster collaborative behavior among colleges.
  • To generate specific admissions-related ideas and recommendations for colleges, students, and counselors.
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  Staff top of page

  • Consulting with schools and colleges regarding the development of effective college counseling and recruitment programs, strategies, and materials.
  • Public speaking -- at conferences and to groups of students and parents. (more info-pdf)
  • Providing resources to counselors, students, parents and colleges.
  • Generating data that support educationally responsible admission policies and practices.
  • Collecting and disseminating information and advice.
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  College Admission Values
These values direct appropriate and effective college admission activities:
  • The benefits and predictors of good education are knowable yet practically impossible to measure.
  • Rankings oversimplify and mislead.
  • The student's skills and attitude contribute more significantly to quality education than does the college the student attends.
  • Educational values are best served by admission practices that are consistent with these values.
  • College admissions should be part of an educational process directed toward student autonomy and intellectual maturity.
  • Colleges can be assessed but not ranked. Students can be evaluated but not measured.
  • Students' thoughts, ideas and passions are worthy to be engaged and handled with utmost care.
        ... identified by the Education Conservancy Advisory Board
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Endorsements from Howard Gardner, Andrew Delbanco and The Bishop's School
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  Advisory Board  
  Philip Ballinger
Director of Admissions
University of Washington

Michael Beseda
Vice President for Enrollment
Willamette University

Jennifer Britz
Dean of Admissions
Kenyon College

Edward Graf
Co-Director of College Counseling
Isidore Newman School

Bonnie Marcus
Senior Associate Director of Admissions
Bard College

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Martha "Marty" O'Connell
Senior College Counselor
Garrison Forest School

Ted O'Neill
Former Dean of Admissions
University of Chicago

Jonathan Reider
Director of College Counseling
San Francisco University High School

Mike Sexton
Vice President of Enrollment
Santa Clara University

  Contact Information
Lloyd Thacker
The Education Conservancy
805 SW Broadway, Suite 1600
Portland, OR 97205
Phone: 503.334.5246
Email: lathacker@outlook.com

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